Saturday, 16 May 2015

Video Update #2 (May 2015)

Hi everyone! Miska has just finished his first year at The Master's Seminary, so we thought it was a good time to record another video update speaking about how the time has gone. You can watch the video (about 18 minutes long) here above or by clicking this YouTube link:

Summary of topics covered:
- Completed first year at TMS
- Birth of Jeremiah
- Blessing of new apartment
- Thankful for all support
- Plans about visiting UK & Finland
- Jeremiah sucking his hand and interpreting for toddlers as Daddy is speaking ;-)
- Summer school at TMS
- Brief summer holiday
- Overview of classes completed
- Fellowship group and Bible study at Grace Community Church
- Alison at SemWives and EWG
- Thankful for godly seminary professors

We hope you enjoy the update.

Until next time,

Miska, Alison & Jeremiah

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Introducing our baby boy Jeremiah! (photos)

Jeremiah was born on 25th February

1st Family Photo

Mother and Son

Father and Son

Jeremiah at four weeks old :-)

Saturday, 14 February 2015

First Update of the Year (February 2015)

Greetings to all,

Waiting for the Baby :-)

Yet again we realise there it is way over due that we write another blog update. Time seems to go so quickly.

So it is February already, Miska has already completed his first semester and is now well and truly into his second semester at The Master's Seminary.

Miska writing seminary papers during Christmas break

Between the Semesters we had the Christmas break, Miska had three weeks off school but was still a busy period. Christmas was a little different to what we are used to, what with not being around family and it being hot and sunny, but we were thankful to be around church family. On Christmas Eve, Miska and I celebrated together having the non-traditional dinner of Steak and Cactus. Then on Christmas Day, we had dinner with some other seminary families in our apartment complex, in the evening we went to our friend Jeanne's house and spent time with her and her family.  Miska got to go in the sauna and cool off in the pool :-)

Our non-traditional Christmas dinner

Christmas Day with friends

Miska was also an orientation leader for new incoming students so the last week of the holiday was mainly spent in school helping the new students orientate to Seminary life. The role also involved helping families settle into their new life here at in Los Angeles, we took care of two international families, one from the United Kingdom and the other from Madagascar. This has been a blessed time as we have seen how God has been working in their lives to bring them into seminary and we were also able to help them practically like we were helped when we arrived in Los Angeles. We have also built up some vey wonderful relationships with these families.

Pick-up at the airport

Family from Madagascar

You may have heard about our car accident that happened just before Christmas, thankfully no one involved in the accident was hurt, including baby Wilhelmsson. However, the car situation and getting it fixed caused me a little bit of anxiety as at one point it looked like the insurance company were not going to fix it. Though God has taught me a lesson in patience, finally after seven weeks we got our car back, fixed and looking even slightly better than it did before. We are so thankful to all who prayed over our car situation and also to our friend Jeanne, who kindly lent us a car in the mean time.

Our car back and fixed :-)

So Miska, has started back at school and is already about 5 weeks into the semester. This semester he has classes in Old Testament, Biblical Counseling, Prayer, Hebrew and a Discipleship Lab. Although it is hard work, Miska is still very much enjoying his studies. He is also continuing to work in the library 20 hours a week. Also, as we are fully aware, being in seminary is not about grades, it is about building Miska up to be a future pastor, but we are still thankful that Miska's hard work is paying off and he did very well in his exams and papers last semester.

Me at 8 months pregnant

So I am now 39 weeks pregnant and the due date is 19th February. I am still thankfully doing very well, baby Wilhelmsson is growing as he should and is now ready to come into the world in the Lord's timing. In my head, I think I will be over, but time will tell. I see the doctor now weekly, who continues to monitor my progress. I am feeling as ready as I will ever be for baby Wilhelmsson and we have truly been blessed by people's generosity, we have not had to buy hardly anything for this baby.

Things already for the baby

Things to pray for:

  • Safe delivery of baby Wilhelmsson
  • Miska and his studies, especially for time management when the baby comes
  • Adjusting to life as parents

Until the next update,

Alison (and Miska)