Thursday, 15 May 2014

We are now in Finland!

So I haven't written for a while... I guess we have been kind of busy ;-)

View of Finland from the plane

We have now been in Finland for three weeks - moved here on 23rd April. It has been a busy few weeks, but things are now beginning to settle down a little and we can start getting into a more 'normal' routine - well whatever 'normal' is!

In our first few days, we spent much time with Tom and Linda (the pastor and his wife of International Baptist Church, Tampere). It was a bit of a transition time for both of us, to Miska and I as we had just arrived to Finland, and to Tom and Linda as they prepared to leave Finland for their furlough in America for about 10 months. We were blessed to have a lovely service on the Sunday, and also had this group photo taken in front of the church meeting place:

Church group photo - April 2014

We are thankful to Tom and Linda for allowing us to live in their apartment while they are away and while we are in Finland. It's an ideal location close to the city centre and the church. Also has the bonus of an amazing view.

View from the balcony

We have also spent much time over the last week catching up with family and friends which has been lovely and a real blessing. Miska's mum had a week off work, so she spent the time with us in Tampere and also Miska's home town Vaasa. We spent some time too in the Finnish countryside visiting both Miska's grandparents summer cottage and Miska's mums summer cottage. The weather here has been a bit of a mixture, we arrived to lovely warm sunshine for a few days, then Finland appeared to almost have its 'taka talvi' (back winter), which meant on one day it actually snowed!  Seems appropriate I guess as Miska's mum was actually on her 'winter' holiday. The weather is now warming up again, the forcast is for 22 degrees this coming weekend and the days are getting longer, sunset tonight is not until 22.07 in the evening.

Panorama of Miska's grandparents summer cottages

Snowman and sunshine

Outdoor grilling

Miska's brother and family

It's not all been a holiday off course. Miska has take over the church responsibilites, running the meetings and preaching every Sunday, and also leading the mid-week Bible study meetings on Wednesdays. On Sundays he is doing a series on Ephesians 6:10-20 - 'The Armour of God' and on Wednesdays thus far we have been looking at Bible basics such as the Deity of Christ, Why we believe the Bible. and the existence of God. It has been going well. Miska is especially thankful for this time in Finland and running the church as it gives him a brief introduction to what it will be like in the future as a pastor and preaching regularly. He is also so thankful for the three years ahead at The Master's Seminary where he will be able to learn and study God's Word further.

We have also been busy preparing all paperwork for our visas and having the interview. This involved visiting a lot of different places. First I (Alison) had to visit the police station to register to have Finnish residency, then I had to visit the magistrate to enter the population register and also I had to visit Kela - to enter the social security system. I can't help but think this is a long and complicated system for someone who as a EU citizen has the right to live in Finland (and is also married to a Finn), but I guess it has its positives. I just don't recall Miska having to do almost any of this in UK! Then the visa application to the embassy which I guess went smoother than I thought (thanks to a kind Finnish lady who processed my residency nice and quick), from filling in the forms and having our interview at the consulate in Helsinki, it took about a week. The interview went well, appears like we had all the correct paperwork and the lady said we should have our visas and passports back in a about a week. Lord willing this will be the case.

So what's it like living in Finland? For Miska, the transition I feel has been quite easy, he loves his home country and it's not hard to see why, it is clean, beautiful, everything seems to run efficiently and for him it is home. For me, at present I still feel a little like I am on holiday, I guess we have been so busy it is only now that things are starting to settle down and go at a slightly more relaxed pace. I do enjoy very much being here and am happy to be here, I love the environment, being able to cycle safely on the wide pavements, no traffic jams, and of course seeing family and friends here. I am also excited about sharing the gospel to these quiet, gentle Finnish people in the future.

I am though of course missing my friends and family in the the UK, thankful for Skype and modern technology (and also that some of them are coming to visit us here next month). I do also find the language barrier hard, especially with Miska's family, I would like so much to commuicate with them and not just mainly through Miska, even though he is a great interpreter. Also, it's just my general nature that I like to be in control of things such as money and paperwork and knowing what is going on... made very difficult when you can't read the paperwork. I must admit I don't miss work at all... eek, I mean I miss my work friends and I guess to a degree I miss being a Nurse, but I am enjoying being a housewife, having to time to clean the house properly, cook food, plan meals, go shopping, read, knit, etc. I think I will work again at some point in the future and Lord willing as a Nurse, but for the moment I will enjoy being unemployed :-)

So I guess that's it for now, I'll try to keep this blog updated more often now. I can give my musings from this strange land of Finland :-)

Until then, here are some things you can pray for us:
  • That visa may come through quickly and without any problems
  • For Miska as he prepares and proclaims God's Word every Sunday and Wednesday
  • That I (Alison) don't get too homesick now when everythings settles down a bit more
  • Further preparations for moving to L.A. such as finding housing.

Every blessing,
